Inspiration: Polish Vintage Vinyl Covers
18 października 2012
Vodka, pickled cucumbers and Pope John Paul II might spring to mind when someone mentions Poland. Obviously there’s more to Poland than that. For example great graphical design on those 7” vinyl covers produced by Pronit Chemical Plant.
Although the quality of materials was very poor and funds limited (due to the political reasons), photos of the envelopes were approved by the Commission at the Polish Artistic Union of Artists, Photographers, and the entire project of the cover by the Arts Commission of the Polish Union of Artists, and Designers.
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Urodziłem się w małym mieście na Podkarpaciu, tam po raz pierwszy zmuszono mnie tego, żeby zdobyć formalne wykształcenie, chociaż wolałem social learning, zbieranie puszek po napojach i przesiadywanie godzinami przed komputerem w poszukiwaniu szybszej metody na wczytanie gry z kasety do swojego Commodore 64.