Piotr Peszko
+48 605 570 195

It’s Loud Out There. Be Louder. John Biggs at Blog Forum Gdansk

It’s Loud Out There. Be Louder. John Biggs at Blog Forum Gdansk

18 października 2012

John Biggs (East Coast Editor of TechCrunch) presented 4 Step Method about successful international blogging. At the beginning John presented universal rules for successful blogging that are: write specifically about what you’re good at and gain traction inside your country and be passionate about what are you blogging about.

Here’s the abstract of the 4 step method.

  1. Blog – Always Be Blogging. Low hanging fruit of traffic is posting. It’s tough and hard but it has to be done.
  2. Introduce Yourself – As bloggers we are socially awkward. We have to go pass that and introduce ourselves to people. Twitt or e-mail people to get in touch. Contact them in a very, very personal way. Do not always sit in your attic. Go outside.
  3. Contact – Do not e-mail big ones. Use outside way to contact people to avoid situation in which they will delete your e-mail. Find their twitter, find linkedIn contact and push it. Look for the authors that you like and approach them.
  4. Blog again – Think like a magazine. Think about something crazy, that someone outside it can be inerested in. Go, and say: „Hey look what’s happended here!”

Be careful about this method.

  • don’t say: „I love your writing”
  • offer topical posts
  • offer something only you have
  • don’t approach the big ones

…and most of all:

Produce content that everybody wants to read

Urodziłem się w małym mieście na Podkarpaciu, tam po raz pierwszy zmuszono mnie tego, żeby zdobyć formalne wykształcenie, chociaż wolałem social learning, zbieranie puszek po napojach i przesiadywanie godzinami przed komputerem w poszukiwaniu szybszej metody na wczytanie gry z kasety do swojego Commodore 64.